Top 10 Oldest Countries in the World

Top 10 Oldest Countries in the World

Top 10 Oldest Countries in the World: As we navigate the pages of history, attempting to decipher the age of our planet, one can only marvel at the civilizations that have withstood the test of time. The Harappa civilization stands as a testament to the prosperity of ancient times, a time when people lived in a civilized manner. In this exploration, we embark on a journey to unveil the top 10 oldest countries in the world, each bearing the imprints of a rich and enduring legacy.

List of Top 10 Oldest Countries in the World

Portugal: Echoes of Centuries Past

Portugal, officially established in 1139 CE, stands as a stalwart among the oldest nations in the world. Its borders, drawn over eight centuries ago, mark it as the oldest nation in Europe, a testament to the resilience of its historical roots.

Ethiopia: A Tapestry of Millennia

Ethiopia, with historical evidence dating back millions of years, emerges as one of the oldest nations. Skeletal fragments found within its borders attest to the ancient existence of humanity, while its resilience against colonization sets it apart among African nations.

San Marino: Microstate with Macro History

Known as one of the smallest nations, San Marino, founded in 301 CE, proudly claims its position among the oldest countries. This European microstate, surrounded by Italy, boasts the world’s oldest constitution, crafted in 1600 CE, a testament to its enduring legacy.

India: The Cradle of Ancient Civilization

With a history spanning over 5000-6000 years, India holds a significant place among the world’s oldest countries. The Vedic Civilization, formed in 1500 BCE, laid the foundations for a rich tapestry of diverse kingdoms that ruled its vast subcontinent.

Greece: Pioneers of Civilization

Greek mythology weaves tales of gods inhabiting the earth, and Greece, with its revolutionary concepts and the world’s first form of democracy in Athens, stands as a pioneer of modern Western civilization.

Japan: A Legendary Legacy

The legendary descent of Japan’s first king from the sun goddess Amaterasu, dated around 660 BCE, hints at an age older than commonly imagined. Japan’s rich cultural heritage intertwines with its mythical origins, creating a tapestry that transcends time.

Armenia: Tracing Human Footprints Through Millennia

Founded in 782 BCE, Armenia emerges as a strong contender among the oldest countries. Caves and stone inscriptions provide evidence of human habitation dating back to 90,000 BCE, revealing a historical depth that echoes through the ages.

Egypt: Unraveling Millennia of Civilization

Egypt, with a cultural lineage reaching back to the 6th millennium BCE, unveils an ancient tapestry. Its writing system, the second oldest in the world, and a rich cultural heritage mark Egypt as a timeless repository of human civilization.

France: From Divisions to Unity

Tracing its roots back to the separation of Charlemagne’s Holy Roman Empire, France stands as one of the oldest nations. In ancient times, the land was divided into three parts, with kings wielding powers alongside commoners.

Iran: Centuries of Transformation

Ancient Iran, rooted in the Achaemenid Empire from 550 BCE, undergoes centuries of transformation. Once known as Persia, the nation officially adopted the name Iran in the 1930s, encapsulating a rich historical journey.


As we unveil the ancient tapestry of these top 10 oldest countries, we witness the indomitable spirit of civilizations that have weathered the ebb and flow of time. Each nation, with its unique history, contributes to the rich mosaic of our world, a testament to the endurance of the human story across millennia.

………………..By ZNT News

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